목록시아 (8)
MINI 블로그 공감대(共感帶)
♥ MINI 블로그 공감대(共感帶)
BTS (방탄소년단) 'ON' Kinetic Manifesto Film : Come Prima BTS – "ON" (Feat. Sia) Audio 보기 ↓ 출처 : ★ YouTube ★ Big Hit Labels Big Hit Labels Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Big Hit Labels, the content hub for Big Hit Entertainment, SOURCE MUSIC, BELIFT, and PLUS GLOBAL AUDITION. www.youtube.com

BTS – "ON" (Feat. Sia)Audio BTS (방탄소년단) 'ON' (M/V) 보기 ↓ 출처 : ★ You Tube★ Sia Sia i am sia, i was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve. www.youtube.com

시아(sia) 레전드 보컬 모음 (Legendary Live Vocals) 영상출처 : ★ You Tube★The Greatest Sia The Greatest Sia SINGING IS FOR YOUR EARS, NOT FOR YOUR EYES. ______________________________________________ 제가 이 유튜브를 만든 이유는 한국사람들에게 시아라는 멋지고 훌륭한 해외 아티스트가 있다는 것을 알리기 위해 시작하게... www.youtube.com

시아(Sia) - Snowman (Audio) 음악목록 1. Santa's Coming For Us 2.Candy Cane Lane 3.SNOWMAN 4.SNOWFLAKE 5.HO HO HO 6.PVPPIES ARE FOREVER 7.SUNSHINE 8.UNDERNEATH THE MISTLETOE 9.EVERYDAY IS CHRISTMAS 10.UNDERNEATH THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 출처★ You Tube★ Sia Sia i am sia, i was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve. www.youtube.com

Sia(시아) Soon We'll Be Found 출처 : ★ You Tube★ Sia Sia i am sia, i was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve. www.youtube.com

Sia(시아) - Big Girls Cry (Official Video) 출처 : ★ You Tube★ Sia Sia i am sia, i was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve. www.youtube.com

시아(Sia) - Elastic Heart (The Voice LIVE) 출처 : ★ You Tube ★ Krisztián Antal Krisztián Antal www.youtube.com